Monday, January 10, 2011

And so it begins

     Tonight marks the first night in a month-long radio program; Refuge Radio.  It will air on KPRZ 1210 AM & can be heard live via their website from 8:30 to 9:00 Pacific Standard Time.  Get information off my splash page:
     The nightly program goes like this:  Dr. James Dobson, then Focus on the Family, insert "Refuge Radio," followed by R. C. Sproul, and then J. Vernon McGee.  Uh....  What?!!!
     For those of you who are wondering what our week will look like, it goes like this:
          DAY ONE:  The history behind this church plant
          DAY TWO:  How we got on the radio
          DAY THREE:  The word "Refuge" (what it means & why we chose it)
          DAY FOUR:  Things we "hate" about church
          DAY FIVE:  The vision for our church
     I wanted to jot this stuff down before I actually hear the show.  I have absolutely NO IDEA what it will sound like.  For those of you who haven't done radio, it goes like this:  Enter room, sit down in front of mic, hit play, and whatever you say for the next 26 minutes is the show.  Hit stop and wait to hear it when everyone else gets to hear it. 
     Boy I hope it doesn't suck.
     Next week we'll be focusing more on teaching from the book of Galatians (you find that out in Friday's show).  Our goal for the first week is to promote and invite people to our church, and in week 2 we want to relax a bit in God's word. 
     I told Katie earlier that I keep hearing, "It's the FINAL count-down...  Do-do Doooo-do, do-do do-do-doooo, Do-do Do-dooooo, Do-do do-do-do..."
     Well God - You made me, called me, and here I am.  May the work I put forth bring glory to Your name and peace to my heart.
     "It's the FINAL count-down..." (roughly 36 minutes and counting to we hit the air)
     Pray for us...

Saturday, January 1, 2011

Update - 2011

     As we move into a new year, our small church plant is already experiencing some amazing opportunities!  In our last meeting there were 6 people in attendance & we agreed to take a break for the holidays.  We're starting up again on the 9th of January but since the break, we have been in contact with several others who have expressed an interest in joining our group.  If everyone were to show up who says they want to show up, we will have gone from 6 to 20+.  This includes some families with children (including my own who have yet to attend).
     Based on this, I realized there was NO WAY we would be able to fit all those people in the house we currently meet in.  After sharing this news at a Christmas Eve service, I was presented with the possibility of being given access to a building in Lemon Grove for our group to use.  The space will potentially be free (or @ most at an extremely reduced rate).  We have yet to visit the location but are excited by the way God is already answering our needs.  The person who made the offer emphasized the fact that the space in question is, "Unfinished," which excited me even more because like that building, we too are a work in progress.
     Our goal with Refuge is to build up a community where we can mutually experience God and grow together in our faith.  I love when Paul writes in the book of Romans, "I long to see you so that I may impart to you some spiritual gift to make you strong - that is, that you and I may be mutually encouraged by each other's faith" (Rom. 1:11-12).  That's how I feel about these people - I long to get back into meeting together and continuing our journey toward a closer relationship both with Christ and with each other.  
     Pray for us...