Tuesday, November 9, 2010


     "How much is this going to cost?"  They ask.
     "How much you got?"  I respond.
     Not the best thing to say when seeking funds for a church plant. 
     At this point these men are probably picturing me as a big-chested, gum-chewing girlfriend who just asked her "new man" for his credit card so she can go out shopping with the girls.  It doesn't matter that I'm not that type of girl.  I'm the type of girl you want to take home to mother and display with pride around town! 
     Bottom line:  I've been asked to present a budget for my church plant without knowing the amount available within the denomination for church plants.  My budget could either be a great garage sale bargain or an over-priced NFL wide receiver no sane team should ever place on contract.  I have absolutely no idea how much to ask for, nor how much I can expect to receive.  And even if I get what I ask for...  Will it be enough?
     I recently had a conversation with one of the men who is assisting me in this process.  When I told him how "they" wanted to know how much this would cost his response was immediate:  "Everything."
     He went on to explain that when men of God are seeking to share the Word of God with people who don't know God, we should spend EVERYTHING to see it done.  I was encouraged.
     But now, as I sit here typing, I have to pause to consider that one word:  Everything.  How much is this going to cost?  Everything... 
     I'm about to plant a church and it's going to cost me everything. 
     I'm sitting here worried about an estimated budget I'm going to present for approval when what I should really consider is how much I am willing to spend to see this done.  Can I really give EVERYTHING to this?  Can I give up my care free nights of playing video games or watching cheesy late-night movies?  Can I give up lazy Saturdays?  Unplanned week nights?  Uninterrupted evening meals?  Time with my kids, or my wife, or for myself?
     When you stop to think about it "everything" is a pretty big word that includes "everything."  Am I willing to spend "everything" to see this church happen?  God has used me in the past to minister to the lost and through that ministry I have seen people come to Christ in a powerful - often tearful on my part - fashion.  Can I give "everything" to see that happen again, and again, and again?
     May God grant me the strength to be more than I am and to recognize that what I give is nothing compared to what He already gave...
     Pray for us.      

1 comment:

  1. Greg, God calls us to be ministers of the New Covenant. A calling for everyone to pick up his or her own cross and carry it down their own Via Dol La Rosa. When I think that God owns the cattle on a thousand hills I am reminded that if He wants it to happen...it will. I am praying that some man or woman out there will hear in our voices the passion and determination and commit a large donation to help us to start out and to settle into our new church. I am willing to give it all up for the calling besides I was never very good at video games.
